Imagine having all the requisite Indian helpline numbers at one place, and being able to call any of them at one touch. That’s “Dial 1800“ app for yo
Imagine having all the requisite Indian helpline numbers at one place, and being able to call any of them at one touch. That’s “Dial 1800“ app for you, which integrates all the helpline contacts at one place.
Search and call any Helpline from different categories such as Airlines, Banks, Cell Phones, Education, Matrimony, Government Agencies, Travel, Teleshopping and many more by the “Dial 1800” app on your Smart Phone.
Add frequently used numbers to the “Favourites“ list and you get the advantage of hassle free search through the Customized Favourites list.
Category : Airlines,Automobiles,Banks,CellPhones,ChitFunds,ComputersAndIT,Cosmetics,Couriers,CreditCards,Education,Elevators ,Finance,Government,Healthcare,MetroCities,HomeAppliances,Hotels,Insurance,Jewellery,Loans,Logistics,LPGGas,Matrimony,Mattresses,PackersAndMovers ,Paints ,PetsCare ,PowerPlant ,Retail ,Shares,Telecom,Teleshopping,Tourism,travel,UPS,WasteManagement
Keywords : Toll Free Numbers, Call Free Numbers, Dial TollFree,call 1800, 1800, indian 1800 numbers, Toll Free, Call Toll Free, dial Toll Free, HelpLine, 1800 HelpLine.
Developed by Collabera Solution.